Institute for the Study of Developing Areas

Publisher Information


Dr.Mohanan Bhaskaran Pillai


Institute for the Study of Developing Areas(ISDA)

T.C. 4/64-2,Continental Gardens,Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala

PIN. 695 003

Email :

Mobile: 09447260047

Cheif Editor

Dr.Mohanan Bhaskaran Pillai


Institute for the Study of Developing Areas(ISDA)

T.C. 4/64-2,Continental Gardens,Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala

PIN. 695 003


Mobile: 09486946201


About the Journal       

The ISDA Journal is a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by the Institute for the Study of Developing Areas (ISDA) Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The journal is multi-disciplinary and gives thrust on the broad area of development and Public Policy. It provides platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, and students to share knowledge in the form of worthy and resourceful empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. It is registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India (R.N.64437/91) and obtained ISSN0971-2550 for print journal in the year 1991. It has a national level circulation and subscribed by libraries of several universities, colleges and institutions of higher learning all over the country. It has more than thousand individual subscribers nation-wide and a wide reach by using the facility of E – Journal. 

Editorial Board

The Journal is academically assisted by an Editorial Board. Members of the board are nominated by the Executive Council of ISDA and ratified by its general body meeting. The existing editorial board members are:

Chief Editor

Dr.Mohanan B. Pillai

Professor Emeritus, Department of Politics and International Studies, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry 605014

E-mail: , 

Mob. 09486946201


Executive Editor

Dr.V. Rajendran Nair

Associate Professor of Political Science (Retd) Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala


Mob. 09447260047


Academic Editors

Dr.Pavithran K.S.

Formerly Professor &  Head, Department of Political Science & Director KM Centre for West Asian and Indian Ocean Studies, University of Calicut, Kerala.


Mob: 09446143455

Dr. Manju S. Nair

Professor, Department of Economics & Hon. Director, Centre for Agroecology and Public Health , University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram



Dr. V. Bijukumar

Professor, Centre for Political Studies, School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi

E-mail :



 Board of Editorial Advisors 

 We have a  board of editorial advisors partaking senior professors, academic experts and individuals of outstanding performance in the field of research and publication. The members are nominated and periodically rationalized by the editorial board. Present Advisory Board include:

Dr. G. Gopakumar

Former Vice Chancellor,Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod

Dr. Arvind Kumar

Professor, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. Himanshu Roy

Professor, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. Ajith Dayanandan

Professor, College of Business and Public Policy, University of Alaska, Ankhorage, USA

Dr. Geetha Ganapathy-Dore

Research-Accredited Associate Professor of English,Faculty of Law, Political and Social Science-Co-Director of the Master2 Trade Policies with Emerging Countries University Sorbonne Paris

Dr. Sasikumar S. Sundaram

Senior Lecturer Foreign Policy and Security, Vice – Chair : Global South Caucus of the International Studies Association, Department of International Politics, City, University Of London


 Publication Policy

           ISDA Journal, the multi-disciplinary and refereed Quarterly primarily focuses on development and public policy. The Journal has a track record of three decades of uninterrupted publication. The Journal invites empirical studies, conceptual papers and review articles that fall within the scope of the journal for publication.

         Our editorial policy is that we will not consider article/ research paper for publication, if it is currently being reviewed by any other Journal or if it has already been published or will be published elsewhere. The Journal or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Editorial Board. All data, views, opinions, etc., are the sole responsibility of the authors. Neither publisher nor Editorial Board is in any way responsible for them.

         Authors should not submit the same manuscript simultaneously to other publications for concurrent consideration. Authors will have to issue a certificate stating that the submitted paper is an original work and has not been published elsewhere fully or partially, and that they have complied with all ethical standards. Authors are solely responsible for the authenticity of the data, analysis and the conclusions arrived at. The ISDA Journal, its Editorial Board and the publisher (Institute for the Study of Developing Areas) are in no way responsible for the data and their interpretations. Permission for reproduction of an article or any part thereof should be obtained from the Executive Editor


Subscription Rates

Bank Transfer

Bank Name                          :   Canara Bank 

Beneficiary Name                :    ISDA Journal

Bank Account number        :     40132200007701

Beneficiary Bank IFSC          :    CNRB0014005              

Account type                       :     SB                           

Beneficiary Bank Address     :     Canara Bank  Fort Branch,Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala- PIN 695 023