Institute for the Study of Developing Areas

Instructions to Authors

Empirical studies, conceptual papers and review articles that fall within the scope of ISDA Journal are invited for publication.  Research papers and articles are reviewed by experts and specialists, considering several aspects like originality, logical cohesion, language, citations and on the suitability of the article for publication in the journal. All research papers and articles are subjected to a strict plagiarism check.  It is obligatory for the authors to follow the instructions given below while submitting articles or research papers for publication:

Please note that ISDA Journal is following the APA style (sixth edition) to enhance its international perceptibility and acceptance.

Maximum word limit

(a) Papers based on empirical data: 5000

(b) Conceptual paper and review articles: 6000

(c) Research notes and brief reports:1500.

Manuscript Format Instructions:

Manuscripts should be sent as MS Word files, typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.

Title of the article/research paper:

The title should be short and accurate. A shortened version of the title in 2/3 words should be given to use as running head of the article/ paper. The name of the author(s) may be provided below the title, and the institutional affiliation(s) as footer in the first page alone.


Acknowledgements if any, may be given at the end of the paper.

 Abstract and Keywords:

The abstract should be in about 150 words only and may encapsulate the background information, objectives, methods and findings. Key words should not be more than five.


‘Introduction’ should not be used as sub-heading. The introductory paragraphs should be concise and pertinent to the area of research.


APA style should be followed for in-text citations and the list of references. APA 6th edition style sheet may be downloaded for the purpose.

In-Text Citation Examples:

Single Author

  • Mohanan (2003) finds that the much-publicized Kerala model
  • Kerala society is widely considered as a matrilineal one (Mohanan, 2003)
  • “It is widely believed that the legal status of Kerala women is higher, since they could share the benefits of education” (Mohanan, 2003, p.84).

Two or more authors

  • Same as single author with the surnames of all the authors.
  • (Pillai & Joshy, 2010)
  • Pillai and Joshy (2010)argue that …
  • Strategic autonomy issue has been raised by several authors (e.g., Pillai, Parija, Menon & Josukutty, 2015)
  • Pillai, Josukutty, Joshy and Parija (2015) support

 List of References:

Citing print sources

Mohanan, B. (2003). Women and Law: The case of Kerala. Trivandrum: ISDA Publications.

Ramalingam, P., & Nath, Y. (2012). School Psychology in India: A Vision for the Future, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 38, 21- 34.

Josukutty, C.A., (2013). Af-Pak Policy: Implications for India. In Mohanan B Pillai (Ed.) India’s National Security: Concerns and Strategies. New Delhi: New Century Publication..

Zubin, J. (1975). Problem of attention in schizophrenia. In M.I. Kietzman, S. Sutton and J. Zubin (Eds.) Experimental approaches to psychopathology. New York: Academic Press.

Citing DOI

Farrell, P. (2010). School psychology: Learning lessons from history and moving forward. School Psychology International, 31, 581-598. DOI: 10.1177/0143034310386533.

Citing web resources:

Shackelford, W. (2000). The six stages of cultural competence. In Diversity central: Learning. Retrieved April 16, 2000, from http://www. diversityhotwire. com/learning/cultural_insights.html

Intext numbering and giving `endnote’ should not be used.

Structure of an Empirical Paper:

Introduction, Objectives/Hypotheses, Method (not methodology), Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

Objectives/Hypotheses: Objectives and hypotheses may be made part of the introduction or given under a separate sub- heading.

Method (not ‘Methodology’): This section should deal with Techniques, Sample, Tools/Measures, Procedure, etc.


Results should be in such a way that only the included data may be provided, preferably in the form of tables and occasionally in figures. Data should not be repeated in more than one form. Arabic numerals should be used for the numbering of tables and figures. Please avoid detailed ANOVA tables and give only F-values and their significance. Avoid describing the values already provided in the tables in subsequent paragraphs.


Initially, the findings may be stated briefly. In subsequent paragraphs, the findings may be discussed in the light of relevant works in the past. In some cases, the results need not be given under a separate sub-heading and may be included along with the discussion so as to avoid repetition.


Conclusion should be stated very clearly in agreement with the findings. It may also carry a paragraph or so on the applications of the study, if any.

Structure of a Conceptual Paper:

Abstract, Introduction, Specification of a theory or Propositions, Discussion, Closing paragraph/Conclusion and References.

Mode of submission:

Papers/manuscripts may be uploaded in the link provided in the web page or sent to the Executive Editor in the journal email:

The Review Process

Research papers and articles submitted to the journal go through a double-blind peer review process to ensure academic excellence. Also, strict plagiarism check is an integral part of the review process and quality control. The reviewer’s comments will be communicated to the author. The author has to correct/revise/redraft the manuscript according to the review comments/suggestions of the referee. The decision of the editorial board in respect of publication is final. At the same time, the author has the freedom to withdraw any manuscript at any time if the suggested modifications are not acceptable to him/her.

Authors’ Right and Ethical Obligations

The Author holds the exclusive rights relating to their articles, submitted for publication in the Journal with regard to copyright, patent right, right to self-archive and use the content of their articles for their own future studies including seminars, lectures and books with an acknowledgement of its initial publisher viz. ISDA Journal.

The author should have the obligation to maintain integrity with true research ethics and scientific temper in analysing and representing research results. The author should warranty that:

  • The article/research paper submitted to the journal for publication is original and not published elsewhere in any form or language
  • Authors should not submit the same manuscript simultaneously to other publications for concurrent consideration. Authors will have to issue a certificate stating that the submitted paper is an original work and has not been published elsewhere fully or partially, and that they have complied with all ethical standards.
  • Results should be presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation
  • Data, text, or theories by others were not presented as if they were the author’s own (‘plagiarism’).

Peer Review

From the beginning onwards our journal is following peer review Policy. We have an excellent team of experienced and outstanding faculties who help us to refer/review articles and provide valuable comments for the refinement of the research papers submitted to us for publication. The articles received undergo rigorous review by two or three of the faculties in the panel, based on the nature and subject matter of the article. The articles will undergo Strict plagiarism test with the help of similarity indexing software so that the authors may modify their articles based on the reports and make their piece of research refined and substantial

Submission of Article/Manuscript

  • Author can submit article/manuscript to the journal by  online mode clicking the “Upload Articles  button. Upload your article/manuscript by following the given instructions. 
  • The title should be concise and informative. Below the title the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) of the author(s) an active e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: The author should provide an abstract in about 100 to 150 words. The abstract must encapsulate the background information, objectives, methods and findings of the study. Key words should not be more than five. The abstract and Key words should be placed just below to the title and authors’ name. The key words will be helpful for indexing of the article.
  • Authors will be given an ID when the uploaded manuscript/ article is received successfully. Author can use that ID for future contacts and collection of information.
  • All the communications with the Journal authorities should be kept confidential especially the information on reviewer’s report.
  • Authors are responsible for correctness of the statements provided in the manuscript.
  • It is necessary that the author should ensure the essential quality of English language used in the manuscript/article. It should be clear, unambiguous and error-free.
  • The manuscript will undergo a double-blind review by selected reviewers from among the peer review team of the journal.
  • The review reports will be observed by the editorial board members. If the report is not satisfactory, it will be intimated to the author. The author will get opportunity to correct, modify or revise his work based on the comments/suggestions given by the reviewer(s).
  • He may resubmit the article after all modifications are made. The resubmitted article/manuscript also will undergo the whole process of vetting once again.
  • If the manuscript is finally accepted, it will be officially intimated to the author and after a thorough check and detailed editing it will finally be sent for production.

Open access policy

All articles published in ISDA Journal are open access, freely available to read, download and share. The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship, as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use.