Institute for the Study of Developing Areas

Dr.V Rajendran Nair

Director, Institute for the Study of Developing Areas (ISDA) 

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Editor, ISDA Journal, Thiruvananthapuram

Associate Professor in Political Science (Rtd)
Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram


JANAKI, Omanathinkal Lane,

Panchayat Office Road, Venjaramood P.O.

    Thiruvananthapuram, KERALA 695 607

Teaching Experience   :   33 years of teaching 


Articles/Books/Research papers published

Research Papers

Seminars/workshops Organized/coordinated:

 Series of Seminars, workshops and training programmes were organized and coordinated in different parts of Kerala on the following capacities:

  1. Director of the Institute for the Study of Developing Areas (ISDA)
  2. Editor of ISDA Journal
  3. State Level Office Bearer of the Professional Organization of College Teachers of Kerala
  4. Activist of Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishat (KSSP), a mass movement for popularization of science and campaign for protection of environment

Extension Works/Community Services/Organizational Initiatives:

  1.  Served as Key Resource Person (KRP) of the People’s Planning Campaign launched by the Government of Kerala from 1996 to 2000
  2.  Rendered Service as Faculty Members of the State Planning Board in its Participatory Planning Programme and series of training at various levels connected with the plan preparation and associated academic activities of the local self-governments (1997-2004)
  3.  Rendered Service as Co-coordinator of the Participatory Planning Programme (on Work Arrangement) at the Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayat and Neyyattinkara Municipality (1997-2001)
  4. Rendered service as Member of District Level Experts Committee (DLEC) Trivandrum, a technical advisory body set up to help the District Planning Committee (DPC) in the process of vetting and sanctioning plan projects of the local bodies (1998-2005)
  5. Served as Project Coordinator of the Socio-economic Survey and Resource Mapping (PRM) project of Neyyattinkara Municipality and produced a detailed Report and a Resource Map of the Municipal Area for the first time of that kind in an urban area in the state
  6. Organized numerous training camps, workshop seminars and campaign class the District and State levels in connection with the Decentralized Planning Programmes and science popularization programmes as an activist and office bearer of  the Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishat (KSSP)
  7. Organized and rendered service for Self Help Groups of rural women, as groups for mutual economic aid and credit assistance, job training and social empowerment on behalf of the Institute for the Study of Developing Area
  8. Convened Seminars/workshops/discussions on various subjects  related to Higher Education in India in General and of Kerala in particular on behalf of the professional organization  viz.,the All Kerala Private College  Teachers’ Association

Contributions in Curriculum Development/Examination and Syllabus Reforms

❖ Member of Board of Studies in Political Science, University of Kerala from 1998 to 2006 and Chairman of Board of Studies in Political Science from 2001 onwards. Initiated for restructuring of syllabus of undergraduate courses in Political Science, organised Workshop for Political Science Teachers of Kerala University area for degree level syllabus restructuring at as initiated by the Kerala Private College Teachers Association (Thiruvananthapuram, February 2001)

❖ Rendered service as Resource Person to State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) of Government of Kerala in its efforts to prepare text books and handbooks for High School Classes on the basis of the newly introduced curriculum and learner centered imparting system

❖ Rendered service as Resource Person to the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in its effort to evolve teacher training modules for Higher Secondary Teachers of Kerala

❖ Serves as Member of Board of Studies in Political Science of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala from 2000 onwards and Served as Member of the Social Science Faculty of Kerala University

❖ Serves as Executive Editor and Honorary Director of the ISDA Journal, a    nationally reputed inter-disciplinary journal having Grant from the ICSSR, published by the Institute for the Study of Developing Areas (ISDA), Trivandrum

Membership and Association in Professional/Social Service Organizations

  1. Life Member of Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)
  2. Life Member of Institute Political Science Association (IPSA)
  3. Life Member of the Institute for the Study of Developing Areas (ISDA), Trivandrum
  1. Member and activist of the Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishath (KSSP), a voluntary organization rendering service in the field of science popularization for the last four decades

As Director and Editor of ISDA (last 15 years)

Organized series of workshops/discussions/lecture classes on topics having current academic relevance and edited and published fifteen volumes of Journal with four issues in each volume

Research Experience:

               1. Successfully undertaken two Research Projects sponsored by UGC

               2. Produced three PhDs as Research Guide of the University of Kerala

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