Institute for the Study of Developing Areas

Professor. K. S. Pavithran
‘Ayanam’, S. N. Park,
Poothole (SO), Thrissur,
Kerala- 680004.
Phone: 9446143455
drkspavithran@gmail com

Academic Qualifications

BA Political Science (Sree Kerala Varma College, University of Calicut),1978, First Class with First Rank.

MA Political Science (Department of Political Science, University of Kerala), 1980, First Class.            

M.Phil in Political Science (Department of Political Science, University of Kerala), 1983, A Grade.

Ph.D in Political Science (Department of Political Science, University of Kerala),

Topic: Ideological Evolution of Communist Movement in India- 1925-1964.

Teaching  Experience : 37 Years

Areas of Intrest:

Democratic Theory, Indian Politics, Left Politics and India’s Foreign Policy

Positions Held:

Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, University of Calicut, Kerala

Director, K.M.Centre for West Asian Studies and Indian Ocean Studies, University of Calicut.

Member, Governing Council, Kerala State Higher Education Council (2008- 2012).

Coordinator, Chair for the Study of Maritime History of South India, University of Calicut &

Ministry of  Defence, Government of India (2008 – 2018).

Director, UGC Area Study Programme, ‘Indian Ocean Studies’, University of Calicut (2008- 2014, 2017-2018).            

Member, Advisory Committee, UGC – Nehru Studies Centre (UGC Scheme of Epoch Making

Social Thinkers in India), University of    Kerala   (2015-2017).

Expert Member, Governing body of the Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Chair, University of Calicut,         Since 23.02.2022.

Member, Advisory Committee, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad Chair, University of Calicut (2010-2013) 

Member Advisory Committee, C. Achutha Menon Centre for Study and Research, Thrissur.

Chairman, Doctoral Committee (PhD) in Political Science, Kannur University, (2011-2015).

Member, Advisory Committee, The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

Sponsored Studies Programme.

Research Guidance 

Research Supervisor at MPhil, Doctoral and Post doctoral level                                                                                                                                                                                

Academic Representation in University / Government Bodies

Member, Academic Council, University of Calicut (2008 -2018) 

Member, Faculty of Humanities, University of Calicut (2000 – 2003, 2010-2013, 2015- 2019)

Chairman, Board of Studies in Political Science (PG), University of Calicut (2010-2013& 2015- 2020)

Expert member, Board of Studies, Dept. of Public Administration and Policy Studies,(PG),

Central    University of Kerala, (Dec.2020-2023)

Member, Expert Committee for Public Administration &Policy Studies, Mahatma Gandhi          University,   Kottayam , 2022.    

Expert Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of International Relations & Politics (PG),

Central University of Kerala, (2017-2020).                                                                                                                                             

Chairman, Board of Studies in Political Science, Christ College (Autonomous), Thrissur (2015-2018)

Member, Board of Studies in Political Science/ Public Administration of five State Universities.

Publications: (Five books and 52 research articles in Journals and Books published)

A. Books
1. The Janata Interludes: Democracy, Plurality and Social Change in India, Vij Books, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Human Rights in India : Discourses and Contestations (ed.), Gyan Books, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Foreign Policy and Maritime Security of India, (ed.),New Century, New Delhi, 2013.
4. Non-Alignment : Unipolar World and Beyond, NBBC, Delhi, 2007
5. Foundations of Political Science, University of Calicut, 2008

B. Articles /Chapters in Edited Books (* denotes co-authored one)

1. *‘China’s Great Game in the Indo- Pacific: Its Strategy and India’s Response’ in C. Vinodan &
Anju Lis Kurian (eds.), China’s BRI Project: Regional and Global Dimensions, Scholars Press, London, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 144- 156, ISBN: 978-620-5-52103-8.
2. *‘Nuclear Policies of India and Pakistan: Analysing National Security in the Context of Regional Security in South Asia’, in C.Vinodan et al. (eds.), Governance and Security Issues in South Asia’, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA, 2021, pp. 17-28, ISBN: 978 -1-53619- 461-6.
3. ‘Hindutva Politics in Kerala: BJP and the Puzzle of Social Engineering’, in Anju Lis Kurian and C. Vinodan (eds.), Kerala: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA, 2020, pp.11-26, ISBN: 978-1-53618-710-6.
4. ‘Nature of Political Science’, in Nejat DOGAN (ed.), Political Science, Anadolu University Press, Eskisehir, Republic of Turkey, January 2019, pp. 3-22, E-ISBN: 978-975-06-3691-2.
5. ‘Human Rights and Liberal Tradition: Theoretical Perspectives’, in Pavithran, K.S. (ed.), Human Rights in India: Discourses and Contestations, Gyan Publications, New Delhi, 2018, pp.41-50, ISBN: 978-81-212-1434-6.

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