Submission of Article/Manuscript

  • Author can submit article/manuscript to the journal by  online mode clicking the “Upload Articles  button. Upload your article/manuscript by following the given instructions. 
  • The title should be concise and informative. Below the title the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) of the author(s) an active e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: The author should provide an abstract in about 100 to 150 words. The abstract must encapsulate the background information, objectives, methods and findings of the study. Key words should not be more than five. The abstract and Key words should be placed just below to the title and authors’ name. The key words will be helpful for indexing of the article.
  • Authors will be given an ID when the uploaded manuscript/ article is received successfully. Author can use that ID for future contacts and collection of information.
  • All the communications with the Journal authorities should be kept confidential especially the information on reviewer’s report.
  • Authors are responsible for correctness of the statements provided in the manuscript.
  • It is necessary that the author should ensure the essential quality of English language used in the manuscript/article. It should be clear, unambiguous and error-free.
  • The manuscript will undergo a double-blind review by selected reviewers from among the peer review team of the journal.
  • The review reports will be observed by the editorial board members. If the report is not satisfactory, it will be intimated to the author. The author will get opportunity to correct, modify or revise his work based on the comments/suggestions given by the reviewer(s).
  • He may resubmit the article after all modifications are made. The resubmitted article/manuscript also will undergo the whole process of vetting once again.
  • If the manuscript is finally accepted, it will be officially intimated to the author and after a thorough check and detailed editing it will finally be sent for production.